Thursday, March 20, 2008


body aches, blister on foot. but i feel great(: it's a cold morning today (windy, chilly) and it's supercomfortable to snuggle up in bed. however, i'm up. and it feels good to be up too(:. ultimate frisbee was good yesterday. lots of running. and after ultimate i felt like running a bit more. had jap for dinner (the salmon slices were so small!) and then went to a pub to play pool. got bored pretty quickly, so i went home. but i was full blown tired. went to bed without turning off the lights or anything. then woke up at 4am. chatted for like, 1 min, and the went back to sleep (turned off the lights this time) can't wait for the easter break.

despite feeling great, i do remember that today's Good Friday, in rememberance of Jesus Christ dying for all of our sins. and the fact that He did not come to the world to condemn, but to save. it's a simple message i know, but it does make me think a bit, of how i've been "honouring" Him. and just mourning His death. but at the same time, keeping in mind that 3 days later He rose, triumphant of death. so today i'll spend most of my morning contemplating my mourning.

btw, The Idea of the North is an excellent acapella group. go hear(: