Sunday, March 30, 2008

and i suffocate.

righto. had ultimate this morning, played with UTS and i SUCKED. like. ok la. they weren't noob, so it was hard to break off from them when doing a cut ):. and i was disoriented and stuff. so. ya. i was like, the noob there.

slowly going back to guitar, but not as hardcore as before. whatelsehasbeen going on. oh ya. Coogee beach is super comfortable to slack at. like, lie in the sand, and i'm not exactly a beach person, but it was really really..slack.

on another note, i'm leading bible study tomorrow. 2 Tim 3. hope it goes well.

my cursed brain is so chocked full of stuff, it's currently suffering a bottleneck effect.

i haven't posted any pictures up because of dodgy internet and dodgier lappy. so. as soon as i get a new one, you will get barraged(:.
